All is Well
Experience cannot be explained but will have to be
experienced. This is an adage that has stayed relevant for time immemorial.
Being a big fan of Barthruhari’s subhashitha, these quadruplets describe great
experiences by learned men, and a very famous one goes like this:
Swagruhe poojyate murkhaha, Swagrame poojyate prabhuhu,
Swadeshe poojyate raja, Vidwan sarvatra poojyate
Which means:
A fool’s worship is confined to his house, a chieftain’s
worship is confined to a village,
a king’s worship is confined to a kingdom, but a learned man
or Vidwan is worshipped everywhere
There is another famous saying, Koopa Manduka and which
means a Frog in a well. This is meant to be more of a sarcasm and describes the
outlook of a person who confines himself to limited knowledge/exposure
Well, when defined as an Adverb, means “In a good or
satisfactory way”, as a Noun it means “A shaft sunk into the ground to obtain
water” or “an enclosed space in the middle of a building, giving room for
stairs or a lift, or to allow light or ventilation”. Ventilation
describes how open or closed the person is to outside views
When “Well” is read as confinement, this also means the sphere
of influence. When we dissect this further, it makes me believe that we are all
confined to our own Wells but with varied boundaries. There is a limit/boundary
to which every individual can exert the influence onto, but beyond that it
fades away. Take for example a Noble laureate who might have done exemplary
work in Physics. The person would be well known throughout the world for this
knowledge on the subject and great work accomplishment. Now start to draw a Well
to determine the sphere of influence and I’m sure the boundaries would be
It is after all not such a bad thing to live in a small well
and be a master of things than to worry about a lot of things. Like how a bee
would naturally get attracted towards flowers, let the fragrance of work
outcome determine the boundaries you want to live in and the type of people you
want to attract towards you
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